A start-up in Singapore is an enterprise that has been founded to search for opportunity, plan out a firm to accomplish opportunity, and lastly decide on the strategy of how to exploit it. A start-up typically comprises one or more people with an idea that renders it strategic in some way. For instance, in terms of infrastructure that must be built to do something big in order to make money.
The steps to conduct a start-up are:
1. The first step is for an entrepreneur to identify the opportunity. This means that the technology-based ideas should have potential in order for it to be considered worth pursuing. This may come from inspiration, observation, brainstorming, or being taught by someone else about something that has potential. It could also come from a problem that must be solved.
2. The next step is to conduct thorough market research on the idea by conducting an investigation into the needs of the customer, how much they are willing to pay for it, and if there is a need for it. This will allow one to know whether the idea has potential or not. It will also help to give insight into the competition, the product itself, and how it might be able to be improved. It will also allow one to know start-up accelerators and incubators whether or not their idea is better than or worse than the competition.
3. If the idea has potential, it should have a higher purpose in terms of being worth everything to solve a problem. This means that the idea has to be something that is needed many times over.
4. The next step is for an entrepreneur to develop a product or deliver their service, by either providing it directly to the customer or making the creation of the product possible in some way. An example is figuring out how to get access to cheap goods by finding a supplier, or figuring out how to get access to cheap labour by hiring employees and create an online marketplace.
5. The final step is for an entrepreneur to establish the firm and make the product available for sale. This means that they must come up with a business plan which includes information such as how it will be run, what operational processes will exist, and who will manage the company, and how they will manage it and feasibility of your business model. This should be done to ensure that nothing goes wrong with the business which could cause it to fail.
Those are the steps needed for a start-up. Read more about the start-up ecosystem in Singapore here.